Showing posts with label House Raven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Raven. Show all posts

Monday 6 April 2020

Acastus Knight Porphyrion 'Siegebreaker'

Siegebreaker Walks!

House Raven Knight designation: Siegebreaker.  Engage locomotors..
I completed my House Raven Acastus Knight Porphyrion 'Siegebreaker' at the weekend and I'm really happy with how he turned out.  It was a nice kit to work on although I did have to replace some of the elements which I wasn't too keen on (see my previous post for more detail).

I tried to keep Siegebreaker close to the original House Raven Questoris colour scheme as I have a real soft spot for the yellow chevrons and red armour plating.  As House Raven famously work closely with my Titan Legion Metalica, I've tried to make sure that they complement each other.  The large metal skull on the rim of the carapace is a nod towards Metalica's Iron skull symbol.
From the side, you can see the kill markings on the black / red armour plating typical of House Raven Knights
Another common feature of House Raven and the Mechanicum in general is the black and white helmet, which also helps tie in with the Legio Metalica colour scheme as well
You can see in the re-levelled gun barrels from the side.  I much prefer this to the staggered layout.  I went all in on the heat staining as well - I normally keep it more subtle, but the length of the barrels just demanded more!
The reactor housing on the Knight is just visible through the additional rear plating.  There's a reason these machines are incredibly hard to bring down...
In this image, you can better see the protruding head and reworked carapace railings.  I like that the head is smaller and less integrated than the original version.  It makes him look even stockier
Proudly displaying the House Raven colours!
The maker's stamp is just visible between the hatch hinges
A top view of the carapace which took longer than any other surface to paint because of the chevron pattern.  I started seeing black and yellow stripes in my sleep...
A nice view of the rocket hatch open.
You get a better idea of how much larger and bulkier an Acastus chassis is when stood next to a Questoris Knight!
And finally, a picture of Siegebreaker and Quake Hydra together as I don't think I've ever seen the two kits compared before.  The two Acastus variants look very different - the Asterius is wider with a more rounded silhouette whereas the Porphyrion is blockier and more static like a siege engine
I'm glad to have finished another kit on my list - next on the table is Excidium Rex, my second Warhound Titan who just needs finishing touches.  After that... more House Raven Knights!

Wednesday 25 March 2020

What's that coming over the hill? A Porphyrion.

Stupid Virus...

I decided that I would take a break from working on The Court of the Fisher King.   With the current lockdown in the UK due to the Corona Virus outbreak, my planned Warhammer World exhibition has been postponed reducing the the urgency to complete the Court.

The other big driving force for me was the Titan Owner's Club Walk 2020 in June which has also sadly been postponed for the same reason.  I have decided that this is an opportunity rather than a curse in a bid to stay positive in these trying times!  As the Walk has been pushed back, I now have more time to add to my force before it's rescheduled - yay!

House Raven Bolstered

Even naked, he looks like a bruiser...
First up on the table is a Porphyrion.  I had reservations about this guy for some time as I wasn't a fan of the original gorget nor the staggered gun barrels on the arms.  I know other people love this model as it is, but I felt I had to alter them to fit my particular sensibilities!

Having worked on and fallen in love with the Asterius kit (which as an Acastus knight, shares many of the components with its forerunner the Porphyrion), I decided that simply ignoring a great model because of a few niggles was silly.

When I start a project like this one, I first sit down with the components and decide whether there's anything I have to replace or alter prior to starting the build.  In this case, I was lucky that the head and gorget could be left off as they aren't integrated into the chest.

I quite liked the look of the huge body with a regular Questoris knight head as it makes him look extremely bulky - a bit like the incredible hulk of knights!  In order to fill the larger neck cavity, I also used the Questoris knight armour cowl - this also gave the head a legitimate pivot point. 

Adding the new head did leave a large gap where the gorget used to be, but that was easily filled with putty to create a new armour section under the chin.

I assembled the rest of the hull and legs normally with the exception of the railings on the carapace.  I found that they were very thin and prone to both warping and snapping.  In order to avoid this, I simply built new rails from styrene dowel and tubing which allowed me to make the bars a little chunkier and less likely to snap off.

I left the missile launcher compartment separate as I wanted to be able to open and close it on the final miniature.  I assembled the launcher with the pneumatic struts in a position where they could hold it open while still popping back inside when I wanted the carapace closed.

I sprayed all of the components silver and started painting the armour plating for the legs.  I went for a really nice clean look as it was a nice contrast to my filthy Asterius!

I decided to paint most of his armour plating separately prior to the final assembly
I am keeping the scheme as close to the traditional House Raven colours as possible
I'm currently working on a block to even the magna lascannon barrel length.  In my opinion, this will look much more satisfying than the original staggered layout.  I guess we'll have to see once it's finished!

In other news, I am also looking to finish 5 other Questoris class House Raven knights in advance of the walk.  If I get time, I may also add in a couple more Cerastus knights to bolster my forces, but I need to finish the paint work on Excidium Rex (my second Warhound) as I can't take him to the walk only partially finished again - I'd be disgraced!!

So, my 2020 Walk progress looks like this so far:

Venator Light Titan Maniple:
Reaver Titan - 100% complete
Warhound Titan - 100% complete
Warhound Titan - 90% complete

Acastus Knight banner:
Asterius - 100% complete
Porphyrion - 50% complete

Cerastus Knight Banner:
Lancer - 100% complete
Lancer - 100% complete
Lancer - 0% complete (Optional)
Acheron - 0% complete (Optional)

Questoris Knight Banner:
Knight Errant - 100% complete
Knight Paladin - 50% complete
Knight Gallant - 50% complete
Knight Crusader - 50% complete
Knight Warden - 50% complete
Knight Preceptor - 50% complete

I'll post my progress in the coming days - fingers crossed, I'll have two completed Knight houses by the end of the lockdown!

I hope you all stay safe, positive and hobby productive!  See you on the flip-side!

Thursday 16 May 2019

Golden Demon Entries 2019

Previously on the Road to Golden Demon...

In my last post, I spoke about what I'd be entering into Golden Demon this year.  Now I'd like to show you the finished entries and talk about them and the event briefly.

In the end, I completed all of my entries, submitting 7 pieces (listed below) on the day.  Although I didn't take home a trophy, I was very pleased to get a Finalist Pin for my Mollog's Mob entry.

To be completely honest, I was surprised I even came away with that as both the quality and volume of entries was absolutely staggering!

1). 40k Large Model: Genestealer Carnifex
2). 40k Vehicle: The Fisher King
3). AoS Large Model: The Frost Giant
4). AoS Unit: Mollog's Mob
5). Middle-Earth Model: Sauron the Necromancer
6). Diorama: Throgg Vs Karanak - Khorne's Vengeance
7). Dual: Titanicus Scale Imperial Knight Vs Gorkanaut - Clash of Iron

My Golden Demon 2019 entries just before setting off for Warhammer fest!
As I've covered them several times in the past, I won't go over my first three entries again - you can find them easily with my blog tags.

I'd like to run through entries 4 to 7 though, with some nice images of the completed miniatures and a few WIP pictures for the ones I haven't shown on the blog before.

Age of Sigmar Unit:  Mollog's Mob

I love to make things; that much is obvious.  I think I'm pretty damn good at it.  Unfortunately, my painting is distinctly average.  As Golden Demon is primarily a painting competition, taking home anything at all was going to be a big ask for me.

So, imagine my delight when I received a Finalist pin for Mollog's Mob!  I worked so hard on these guys and I'm really glad that was recognised!  For anyone not familiar with the Golden Demon awards, there are trophies for Gold, Silver and bronze, then a small number of finalist pins (normally 2 or 3 per category) for people who made the final cut, but didn't quite make the trophy shelf!

Kevin Chin's original Mollog cover image is just amazing and was hugely influential when I came to choosing Mollog's paint scheme
I wanted Mollog and his minions to be framed in a cave setting to really capture their troglodytic lifestyle!

The entire box scene was made from scratch with inserts for each character.  The addition of skulls, mushrooms and slime pools tied everything together nicely.
At Warhammerfest, Seb Perbet described Mollog to me in what I believe is the best way ever - he's the king of the morons!  A Troggoth so stupid that only complete fools would
Although it's difficult to see in these pictures, I extended the patterning on Mollog's skin well beyond the etched surface.  The whole model was a joy to paint and I'd highly recommend the kit!
Mollog the Mighty!  Mightily stupid maybe...
Bat Squig!
Prolonged exposure to Dankhold Troggoths can yield unexpected pin badges and fungal growths...

Middle Earth Category: Sauron the Necromancer

I showed this entry as an early WIP in my last post; below you can see some completed images.  I feel that this entry never quite came together the way that I had originally envisaged in my mind's eye.

I originally wanted to sculpt fire out to the edges of the arch to make the eye of Sauron with the actual model as part of the flaming effigy.  This idea had to be scrapped because I was running very low on time.  As you can see, the final entry just didn't have the gravitas I was hoping for and I wasn't surprised that I didn't place with it.

Diorama: Throgg Vs Karanak - Khorne's Vengeance

Throgg fends off Karanak, Khorne's Hound of Vengeance amongst the red dunes and boulders of meteoric iron in Chamon, the realm of metal while the fate of those who fall to Khorne's wrath is revealed below the desert sands...
 This piece was a labour of love from start to finish.  I had always wanted to paint Throgg the Chaos Troll King since it was released around a decade ago.  It was only when Games Workshop offered him briefly as a soon to be retired miniature with their made to order service that I decided to pick him up for a Golden Demon entry.

Finding someone or something for Throgg to do battle with wasn't easy - he's a large model and his pose is normally rather static.  When the new plastic Karanak sculpt was released as part of Wrath and Rapture, I snapped up a spare which a friend had after buying two copies of W&R.

I estimated that Karanak would be roughly the right size and that with some tweaking to Throgg, a scene with the two grappling for supremacy could be engineered!  I carefully cut the stone hammer from Throgg's foot and moved it to his raised hand, re-sculpting the haft and flat top edge to make it look as though the previously idle maul was now swinging through the air towards Karanak!

But Throgg wasn't having everything his own way as Karanak's bloody mouths and his savaged forearm show...

The detail in this miniature is simply amazing.  The chompy mouths are just awesome!
To offset the removal of the hammer, I built up a sand dune over a huge skull for Throgg to stand on as he grapples with Karanak
Aside from adding gore to the mouths, Karanak needed very little alteration.  Again, this kit was a joy to paint with the intricate scaling and Khornate symbols cut into his flesh.  I decided to paint his fur as flames to make him a more intimidating foe for Throgg!
I loved painting this cloak.  Tiny thread veins on the inner and outer surface are hard to see in these images, but the large flat areas really allow for these sorts of detail to be added.  I hate the axe in his shoulder though.  I must have snapped the shaft at least 5 times...
In this image, you can see the strings of gore on Karanak's three gaping mouths and the metallic boulders propping up chaos detritus which has been left to the desert sands...
The skulls of worthy foes claimed by Khorne tumble through reality until they emerge through the flaming sockets of giant stone skull pillars jutting from a lake of burning blood...
...trophies for the God of War!

Dual: Titanicus Scale Imperial Knight Vs Gorkanaut - Clash of Iron

Although this piece didn't place (it was originally intended for the small scale category, but was moved to the Duel category instead), it got a lot of attention on the day.  People genuinely couldn't believe that I was made enough to make the Gorkanaut from scratch.  Well, below are the WIP images to prove my insanity! :)

The Gorkanaut, base and building were all scratch built.  Even the Knight had to be re-posed!  I altered his legs, arms and shoulder pads to give the illusion of him running at full pelt towards the slower Gorkanaut!

Steaming round a blown out building, a Knight of the noble House Raven prepares to crash into a hellish Ork contraption!
Painting this Knight gave me such a headache!  I used a selection of transfers to faithfully replicate his 40k scale brethren's heraldry.  I took them mainly from the Armiger decals, but also borrowed from the Mechanicus infantry sheet as well.  The tilt shield and hull symbol were painstakingly cut down in size from the Armiger hatch emblems. It took ages, but was totally worth it!
Painting the Gorkanaut was pretty straight forward as I simply copied the 40k scheme including the chequer pattern on the hull which looks great in this scale!  If you look carefully, you can make out faces and patterns on the missiles...
I was quite pleased with the exhaust array despite gluing my fingers together several times trying to get them to sit correctly!
The Gorkanaut picks his way over a crater while an Imperial Knight charges at its flank...
I like this image as you can see just how tiny and detailed the finished Knight really is!
The completed Gorkanaut before painting

Again, this is a great WIP image as it shows just how tiny the Gorkanaut is!

So what's next?

Well, I have 1.5 28mm scale Warhound Titans to complete before the Titan Owner's club walk in June.

Although the hounds will be my main focus for the next month, painting Mollog and Throgg really gave me the urge to create a Gloomspite Gitz Troggoth army so that I can play some casual games of Age of Sigmar.  Below are some WIP images of my first Fellwater Troggoth - he's nearly finished and has some friends on the way too!

Until next time fellow Troggoth Herders, fare well and don't eat the purple shrooms!